After 15 years since the launch of REDD+ and the expectation that countries would implement their ENAREDD+, it is true that there has been widespread failure, with exceptions such as Costa Rica.
It is important that REDD+ sets the conditions for a high integrity carbon market, which includes guaranteeing the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.
From 2020 onwards, some companies have started to buy carbon directly from countries, but the lack of control in some cases and the need to substitute functions that should have been performed by ENAREDD+ in terms of safeguards have led to the emergence of what is now known as “High Integrity Carbon Credit Certification”, in which initiatives such as the LEAF Coalition are playing an important role.
However, it is important to recognize that the mechanisms and tools proposed by ART TREES to certify these credits are not sufficient to guarantee our rights in the carbon market. It is essential to continue working on the development of more robust and transparent mechanisms that protect our rights and meet the expectations of both the countries and communities involved.
Faced with this situation, leaders of member organizations of AMPB, we worked on the “Proposal for an additional layer on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities within the ART TREES standard”.
Establish a proposal to improve the integrity of jurisdictional transactions of the ART TREES standard and respect for the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPs and LCs).

Declaration of the AMPB Forest Carbon Markets Working Group: Towards fair and transparent carbon markets and REDD+ processes
Our Forest Carbon Markets Working Group of the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB), comprised of representatives from Indigenous Peoples' and local community organizations, advisors, AMPB technical teams, and allied organizations, has issued an...
Guardians of the Forests of Mesoamerica convene the first Climate Week from the Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
One of the objectives of the week will be to prepare a resilience strategy to protect the cultural and biological diversity of the region. Leaders of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities with extensive experience in community forest managementfrom Mexico to Panama...
Links of interest
Development Today “Creciente frustración entre los líderes indígenas con el plan de carbono forestal LEAF”
New York Times “No estamos para expiar tus pecados climáticos”
Development Today “Líder indígena pide a Noruega que responda a las demandas de justicia del carbono”
Opinión Levi Sucre Romero
RIGHTS + RESOURCES “Cómo los piratas del mercado del carbono amenazan los territorios de más de 200 familias en los Andes ecuatorianos”
MINAE, Costa Rica “Dos Territorios Indígenas recibirán más de ₡ 347 millones por la reducción de emisiones forestales generadas en sus bosques”
Propuesta de capa adicional para el estándar ART TREES (Arquitectura para Transacciones REDD+)
Camada adicional proposta para o padrão ART TREES (Arquitetura para transações de REDD+)
Proposal for additional provisions for the ART TREES (Architecture for REDD+ Transactions) standard